carabiners Archive
Most people now acknowledge that perfectly equalised anchors are virtually impossible to achieve, especially once a system is subjected to any significant loading. You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please
Before social media, each year when the new Petzl printed catalogue came out, I would flip straight to the “Techniques” section to look at what clever new methods were being presented. Now, with the popularity and acceptance of the internet,
There are many different shapes and styles of carabiners. There are reasons as to why various shapes have evolved. I believe that much of this evolution has been driven by the quest for the greatest strength with
Existe uma linguagem padrão usada nas especificações técnicas dos mosquetões, mas isso não é bem compreendido. Este artigo é uma tentativa de esclarecer algumas marcações comuns que aparecem em mosquetões. Deve-se notar que existe uma variação significativa
In many scenarios, when confronted with a steel hand rail it may be tempting to use it as a lanyard attachment point. Many people pass the lanyard with their connector around the structure and simply clip it back